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Cherie carries a rewarding history of quality face art. She has designed and created outstanding work on the faces of many known New Zealanders, including Polly Gillespie, Nix (CWK), Parris Goebel and Riley Hemson (healthychick101).
Her exceptional healed brow art shows on hundreds of diverse skin types. She has a natural ability to create outstanding work on all face shapes. Her background includes over a decade of both trained and experienced knowledge as a Makeup Artist, Beauty Therapist and Cosmetic Tattoo Artist. She has trained in several advanced international cosmetic tattoo courses, and continues to advance her skills through frequent training. Cherie's classes are thoroughly in depth, educational, creative and fun.
Combining Cherie’s educated background, with her natural artistic talent, creates a leading brow artist and teacher in the cosmetic tattoo industry.
Cherie’s classes include in depth theory and live model demonstrations, where you will shadow along side her working. Cherie holds small classes in her beautiful new Lower Hutt Training Academy. This is to allow high standard quality time with Cherie. You will also be working on a client under her supervision. Cherie has designed her Advanced Training classes specifically for Cosmetic Tattoo Artists wishing to take their work to the next level. For successful enrolment into Cherie's Advanced classes, you must have a minimum of 3 months experience
actively working in the cosmetic tattoo industry. Cherie has now opened up full Fundamental Training for beginners as well as Advance training. All prices exclude GST.
Pre-payment plans are available for all classes.
Please contact for more information
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